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PGCon 2013 – PostgreSQL Conference for Users and Developers
We will be presenting our current achievements at PGCon 2013 held in May 2013 in Ottawa, Canada.
PGCon is an annual conference for users and developers of PostgreSQL held in Canada. PostgreSQL Enterprise Consortium will talk about the current results of our two technical working groups in 2012.
■Time and date : 4:30-5:30 PM, 24 May 2013 EDT
■Session title : Introducing PostgreSQL Enterprise Consortium activities
Tatsuo Ishii / SRA OSS, Inc. Japan
Executive board members of PostgreSQL Enterprise Consortium (PGECons)
■Talks : Introducing PostgreSQL Enterprise Consortium activities
PostgreSQL Enterprise Consortium (PGEcons) is a non-profit organization aiming for promoting PostgreSQL in production use, especially in mission critical area. It is formed by leading IT companies in Japan last year. Currently PGECons has 36 company members. In the first fiscal year, PGECons performed two major technical activities: PostgreSQL scale up/scale out evaluation (by Working Group 1: WG1) and establishing migration process from commercial DBMSs to PostgreSQL (by Working Group 2: WG2). These objectives were determined based on requests from PostgreSQL users and PGECons members and PGECons believes that sharing the experience is a big benefit for PostgreSQL community.
In this talk we present current achievements of WG1 and WG2.
Slides: Introducing_PostgreSQL_Enterprise_Consortium_activities.pdf